Wednesday, March 21

Freaky Friday Part II

No Late update today.

Something similar to Freaky Friday happen again.

Penat gila...! Later aku story.

Update (5:30 pm):

KUALA LUMPUR: A few areas of Shah Alam were flooded after the heavy rain on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Areas affected include Kampung Kebun Bunga, Taman Mesra and Taman TTDI Jaya. More than 500 people were evacuated.

- The Star

Ok, hujan lebat then banjir, no big issue, right? But what make people angry were the improper development projects that cause the flood. What happens to me today is the prefect example how construction works menyebabkan tanah runtuh dan menyusahkan orang lain, bodoh punya orang…!

Imagine sebelum subuh my support team call and said there are few important links down. I straight away predicted where the problem place and around 7:30 am I found my cable break due to landslide near Glenmarie. Why tanah kawasan tu runtuh? Notice tak kerja-kerja pembinaan kat belakang tu? Mangkuk-mangkuk tu dah korek tanah sampai dekat dengan slope tu and effect the soil structure there. Betul-betul bodoh…! Thanks God, during noon we manage to settle the problem and told our customers flood around Batu 3, Shah Alam yang menyebabkan link down for ½ day.

Another interesting event occurred, before I managed to call MBSA to report the landslide, contractor to dah call dulu and he force MBSA to ask us stop our repair works since dia cakap menggangu kerja-kerja dia. And the best thing, MBSA setuju and instructed us to stop. Just imagine, instead of investigate why the landslide happen and punish the guilty party, MBSA sibuk suruh aku stop kerja. Pelik kan…Then, dengan terpaksanya I made few phone calls to our ‘friends’ seeking help la. After that, someone from MBSA allows us to continue but I need to meet him somewhere in Shah Alam. Tapi sampai petang aku dia tak pick up my call, aku sms pun dia tak jawap. Why? I don’t know.


Anonymous said...

looo...ya ke???k take a good rest..then hopefully comeback with better entry..waloooooooooooo

Mr. Right said...

Tak boleh rest la hari ni Ramonez, banyak pula kerja.

Anonymous said...

Huhu..KEsian..takpela..dugaan..nak wat camne..:-)

Anonymous said...

lame dah i x lalu ikut situ..tapi dari dulu memang dah nampak keje2 construction..yg derang pegi korek sampai dah ke tebing tu pehal? gila ke pe conntractor tu?derang nk wat kilang ke enche betul? tapi kot ye pon nk wat kilang jgn la sampe menyusahkan pengguna jalanraya & ko punye projek tu...huhhh...yg aku pon xpaham pehal plak yg mbsa suruh ko stop keje?patut si contractor tu la yg stop...apa punye turrrrrrrrrrrr la...

Mr. Right said...

Dugaan pun, dah rasa nak demam ni.. pagi kena hujan, pastu tgh hari dah panas gila.

Aku memang tak faham. Then, sampai hari ni MBSA tu tak pick up call aku. Aku nak jumpa dia nak cerita pasal permit and everything. But he refuse to pick up my call. Tak faham.

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