oleh NSTP kerana…(aku tak sure sebabnya, so bacalah sendiri). There are a lot of people supports these two blogger, even ada gerakan to raise fund to help them fight against NSTP and fight for freedom of speech in general. For me, they know the risk, they ready to take the gamble so, what a big deal. Kalau takut dilambung ombak, janganlah berumah ditepi pantai (tangan macam Karam Singh).They also gain a lot of money through sponsor and advertisement on their site, I believe they will not end up bankrupt even mahkamah dapati mereka bersalah. But still, aku rasa macam nak join juga Walk With Us tu, layak ke aku? Hahahahaha…..malas lah..!
- News from Rocky’s bru: here
- Thank you note from Jeff: here
- Comment from
Aku pernah bersembang dengan orang MCMC Datuk something lah, he said for blogger yang gunakan free site like blogger.com, blogdrive or freewebs, government will not monitor their article, since government still consider they write just for fun. But different case for blogger use paid domain, meaning dia serious and most probably gain a lot of traffic. MCMC will then, read and sent few warning to them if they broke any regulation or ethical values. But for Ahirudin’s case, dia gunakan blogspot, still kena. Errrmmm… this proves orang kerajaan memang tidak boleh percaya. They just said what ever they want. Stupid..!
For those who live in Klang Valley and free tomorrow night, if they refuse to sacrifice Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh untuk menyokong Malaysia lawan Singapore, aku rasa mereka sepatutnya senyap dan jangan gatal mulut nak komen pasal bolasepak Malaysia lagi. They neglect to show 100% to support our contry, so, jangan mengada-ngada nak marah player if they failed to gove 100% effort atas
Liverpool 2 - 0 Chelsea, Hahaha..hahahhaha...Confirm there are serious crisis inside the London club.
Arsenal 2 - 1 Mangkuk, Kah..kah..kah..kah...for the record, Arsenal memang perform lawan team power.
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