Tuesday, June 5

Meaning of Signature

Notice: Posting ini macam forwarded email. Tapi bukan, aku boring-boring then aku gather all the information. Yup, sometimes people have so much extra time in their hand.

Makna tersirat di sebalik tanda tangan:

1. Satu garisan di bawah tanda tangan
Seorang yang sangat yakin. Ada personaliti yang hebat. Agak mementingkan diri sendiri. Percaya bahawa kebahagiaan dalam hidup sangat perlu.

2. Dua titik di bawah tanda tangan
Romantik. Mudah bertukar pasangan macam tukar baju. Memilih kecantikan (bagi lelaki). Sentiasa berusaha untuk kelihatan cantik (bagi wanita). Mudah menarik perhatian orang untuk berdamping

3. Satu titik di bawah tanda tangan
Kelihatan mudah dan tenang. Cepat hilang kepercayaan pada orang anda percayai apabila dikhianati.

4. Tiada garisan/titik di bawah tanda tangan
Seronok dengan kehidupan. Ikut gaya dan cara sendiri. Kurang memberikan perhatian pada pandangan orang lain

5. Tanda tangan yang tiada kaitan dengan nama
Sentiasa berusaha supaya smart. Suka berselindung. Jarang mengambil pandangan orang lain sebagai panduan hidup. Yakin dengan kebolehan diri sendiri.

6. Tanda tangan berasaskan ejaan nama tapi sukar nampak
Cerdik tapi kurang hendak berfikir. Anda cepat menukar pandangan dan idea.

7. Tanda tangan huruf satu-satu, tidak bersambung
Seorang yang sangat prihatin. Tidak pentingkan diri sendiri. Sanggup berkorban apa saja untuk orang lain. Seorang pemikir. Seorang yang mudah serik

8. Tanda tangan ikut ejaan nama dengan huruf yang jelas
Seorang yang sangat baik. Boleh menyesuaikan diri dalam apa juga keadaan atau dengan siapa saja anda berurusan. Tegas dengan pendapat sendiri. Ada semangat yang tinggi

Case Study

1. Osama Laden

Normally an illegible signature is one where a person is telling you that he does not want to be communicative and may like to plan and approach secretly. It could also mean that you are dealing with a person who will play with the cards close to his chest. A very heavy pressure indicates great energy level. A slowly written complicated signature implies negative mindset and criminal tendencies Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Look at the Horizontal movements in the upper zone and a crab like figure he makes in his signature akin to a chariot wheel. It indicates his intense detail oriented style of functioning. The specialty of a crab is that no matter how hard you try to attack it does not die but bites back quite fiercely. Dangerous signals! Did the Americans get his signature analyzed?

2. Osama’s best friend, George W. Bush

Look at George Bush's signature such heavy handedness, downward slant and partial illegibility, it indicates the intense desire to rule the world more through command rather then diplomacy. Bush makes an initial upward stroke, which rises from around the baseline and continues at an obtuse angle to meet the first letter of his name. This signifies deep internal resentment and frustration. It is also evident that frustration like this creates a feeling of being let down with life and introduces brutality and aggression as a means of revenge rather then reason.

3. Richest man in the world, Bill Gates

Bill Gates has an angular writing (sharpness of mind) the 't' bar hits to the right of the stem (really bad temper), the slashed 'i' dots indicating Irritatibility. His signature falls as he writes. This is not a good indication and should be done away with. His signature does not show the negative traits associated with Hitler but then the intense desire to rule the world is fairly apparent.

Source: http://www.yoursignaturespeaks.com/

Tak tahu la analysis betul ke tak, one thing for sure, famous people that not related to showbiz they have one ugly signature. Dan ramai orang yang berjaya just conteng bila tandatangan. With that note, I really need to change my signature, aku rasa tandatangan aku terlalu cantik.


Anonymous said...

Benda/ story ni dah disiarkan dalam akhbar sisipan BH (IKON) pada last Saturday 2/6/2007. Dengan gambar sekali....

Mr. Right said...

Memang aku ambil sana pun. Lupa nak letak sumber.

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