1. Strictly for Muslim reader. I not playing any racist issue here, just this is a latest problem related to us. For non Muslim, you will find this posting relatively boring. So, lebih baik jangan baca…but again, your pc, your internet line, your hand… your own choice…suka hati kau lah.
2. Kena berfikir, kalau rasa malas… tak perlu baca.

Tahniah kepada kerajaan yang mengambil 1st step untuk mengurangkan Freedom of Speech yang membabi buta. Aku dah tulis article ni lama, aku rasa sekarang time paling cantik untuk post.
Many believe blogging never as popular as now. Not just blogging as blogspot or wordpress, but personal page like Myspace, Friendsters, Multiply and many more. now is the most popular visited site beside search engine.
With the popularity of blog, muncul lah another term Celebrity Blogger. Simply means, blog owner yang blog dia popular dan ada pengikut sendiri. That person become famous simply because of his/her blog. Jeffooi, Kenny Sia, Liew CF, just to name a few. They are professional blogger, maksudnya memang kerja mereka full time blogging. Mereka dapat duit daripada laman blog mereka, how? I know in theory but simply have no idea how to achieve that.
Names yang aku beri sebagai contoh adalah blogger non Muslim dan mereka pun tidak menjadikan agama sebagai bahan utama untuk menulis. There are a fews blogger glamour yang beragama Islam.
What the hell this scenario related to Islam?
When they become celebrity and have they own follower, means there are someone that treat them as their idol. Pembaca mereka sanjung apa sahaja yang mereka lakukan. Sama seperti artis, pemimpin dan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat yang lain. But for artist and other celebrities, media yang glamorkan mereka. So, sort like everybody know what they doing and even ulama will comment and advise if they did anything against Islam rule. But for blogger, nobody monitor their writing and most importantly nobody powerful enough to advise or tegur mereka.
Some, they not just blog about current issue, politic or their interest but also their life style. Their daily life, and they try to make as cool as possible. Mabuk sana, minum arak sini, main perempuan, tipu orang… all sort of negative thing la. Then, if they comment current issue pun, without hesitate they will kutuk all parties sesuka hati including ulama or ustaz. Freedom of speech, so mereka will freely express their voice. And of cause their follower will agree and admire their idea. Sedikit sebanyak these blogger menyumbang kepada pemikiran masyarakat kita. Most of these blogger are very knowledgeable and some I bravely said genius. Their view and comments sememangnya menarik, logic but ‘bahaya’.
Maybe this problem not in critical stage yet since just few thousands reader read blog everyday. But experts believe the number will only increase due to rapid development in blogging world. Government in particularly Jabatan Agama Islam must start looking at this scenario sekarang and prepare something to handle it in the future.
For those who think it is not very much a problem yet, and I just being paranoid, please read these blog entries:
Rape Me Because I Wear Shorts Skirt – The Boinq
I’m an apostate or a Muslim – The Boinq
Gay and Lesbian Crash Harussani House – Malay Male
They are a lot more blogs yang ‘menarik’ tapi sedikit ‘bahaya’. But these 2 blog owner aku rasa cool enough to smile with this posting. They will not take it personally. For Sharina and Amir, please understand… I have nothing against you guys. You guys are very cool in your own unique way. Aku pun suka baca blog kau untuk tersenyum, ketawa sambil berfikir. I not hoping government will arrest you or what. It just as a Muslim, or as you said orthodox, conservative Muslim; I think it is my responsibility to highlight this scenario.
Happy blogging…!
P/S: Seperti dilaporkan dalam Metro selalu, terdapat banyak juga blog yang menggalakkan ajaran sesat di Internet.
Saya sudah baca 3 blogs tue.Mmmg bahaya, maksud saya, kadang2 pemikiran yg seperti itu boleh membawa kepada kemudaratan pada diri sendiri.Ini melibatkan iman dan kepercayaan, jadi saya rasa sekiranya kita percaya dan beriman kepada agama, tidak akan ada konflik diri tentang keimanan atau pegangan. Saya bukan mahir sangat dalam bab2 agama peringkat tertinggi ni,tapi saya percaya manusia akan faham secara mendalam sekiranya kita mengkaji secara keseluruhan Al-Quran.Biarpun kita membandingkan dgn Taurat, Injil atau Bible.
Dan setiap larangan agama itu pasti ada kebaikan disebaliknya.Ajaran Islam itu sendiri merangkumi keseluruhan aspek kehidupan bermula dari kita membuka mata di siang hari sehinggalah nyawa kita ditarik.
Jadi sebagai Muslim, tanyalah diri sendiri dimanakah kekuatan kepercayaan dan pegangan anda?
Maaf ini hanya sekadar sesuatu yg boleh difikirkan.Maklumlah pemikiran sekarang pun sudah dicampur-adukkan dgn sekularisma atau segala "ma" yg ada.
Saya hanya menulis.
-Ipoh lads-
aku pun dah baca. Well, what can I say. Manusia sekarang kan dah semakin bijak. Sebab itu mereka selalu mencari logik disebalik semua benda. Percayalah, kalau mencari semua logik dalam Islam peratus untuk sesat adalah besar, sebab apalah sangat akal kita kalau hendak dibanding dengan Allah?
pergg!! mmg tahap critical dah minah tu...nape ko stop bg advice ni..teruus kan Dood!!! ko bg la ayat pysco sket.huhu!! ko kena tlg bawa dia kejalan yg benar..
ko tak penah pun cite kat aku yg ko pun pernah pk semua tu..huhu!!
ipoh lads,
100% agree with you.
Betul.. aku pun pernah tulis pasal isu 'hukum akal' ni.
Aku rasa aku tak cukup pandai nak lawan dia. Dan yg paling penting dia rasa aku tak cukup bagus untuk nasihat dia. Mungkin dia nak Nabi Muhammad sendiri 'muncul' kembali baru dia nak percaya. Ko try la pulak.
Bad, orang macamni kita bagilah fakta macammana pun, tak bleh jalan. Silap-silap kita plak yang terpengaruh. Apa yang boleh kita buat, berdoalah supaya dia dapat hidayah.
hehe!! nnt la aku try..mana tau dia cair dgr nasihat aku ni..haha!! yg penting niat kena ikhlas..jgn cepat putus asa..aku kenal ko mcm mana dood!!
hehe!! kite jgn bagi fakta..kite bg ayat lain sket..tul tu, kite mmg kena berdoa utk dia tp at the same time, kite kena try buat something utk dia..tul tak??
Would you rather have a playground for critical and flowing ideas or a barren desert with a shortage of intellectual capacity?
This isn't about "men-yesatkan" orang. Jeez, if you feel that what I write is going to lead you to the other side, don't read it. It's as simple as that.
Why is it when there's always someone with a new idea or a new line of thought that opposes the normal mindset, their ideas are immediately branded as "sesat" or "heretical" simply because it doesn't conform to your ideologies?
How are you supposed to produce thinkers if everyone nak setuju dengan all the current issues? Then we shouldn't be humans. We should be mindless androids.
The brain is a powerful tool. There's no reason why you should limit your capabilities.
pemikiran ke arah positif dude.. aku pon setuju yang aku tidak setuju or lemas dgn 'masyarakat dan masyarakat'..
TETAPI, aku di sini percaya yg blogger2 yg post sekadar meluahkan pemikiran, aku pon baca, apa yg positif, aku turut angguk dan senyum bersama..
DAN, apa yg x betul, terutamanya isu agama,.. aku senyap sorang2 je, kendian cerita kpd kwn2 yg berminat nk dgr cerita aku.
DAN LAGI, aku nk petik kata2 pengkomen tu, akal manusia x lebih drp Tuhan. That is fucking true.. Because God is the source of knowledge.
The logical and reasonable method of thinking by which u think are right is actually refuted, IF, kita belajar tentang apa yg kita fikirkan secara lebih lanjut..
Aku sebagai Muslim, aku punyai buah fikiran aku tersendiri tentang dunia dan hidup aku. Sekadar memetik maksud kata2 Salman Rushdie, "they think they found the solution for the universe"..
Nah, untuk sape tu? aku barangkali.. mungkin Salman Rushdie. Manusia paling berilmu dalam dunia pun, ilmunya ibarat setitik air drp 3/4 laut di muka bumi.
NAH, aku sebenarnya penghukum....
A cap to freedom of speech,you say? Well, the concept is much like 'guided-democracy'. i believe the term is demokrasi terpimpin?
What is democracy if there is a certain prejudicial to what constitutes the 'acceptable' democracy?
The same goes to freedom.Freedom is just freedom. It shall be exercised at own discretion. If you put a cap to 'freedom of speech' then, don't call it 'freedom of speech'! I'm not saying that it cannot be abused, it has in fact. But hey, IT IS FREEDOM! who ever claimed freedom is entirely a good thing,anyway?
It's like straight and straighter.If it's straight, then it's straight. It means it's not crooked. Then how can anything be straighTER? I know it's a valid english word and all, it's still absurd.
With regards to the 'danger' you associated with the two bloggers. If you take what ever they write (which spruces from THEIR own strings of thought,need i remind you?) seriously, then you face the consequences. They are not in the net blogging to brainwash anybody. If you think they are, then do yourself a favour and read their disclaimers again,sir!
I do believe stupidity stems out of own dunceness.(not that i'm calling you a dunce, don't misjudge me). If one is not even certain of what they believe in and waivers at the slight ruffle in the water, then one should be responsible of that oneself. No point of pointing fingers at other parties.
(this has been written not specifically for the writer of this blog, but also to his fellow readers. Open up,people.
Quoting commentor Ipoh lads
'Jadi sebagai Muslim, tanyalah diri sendiri dimanakah kekuatan kepercayaan dan pegangan anda?'
If you believe what these 'dangerous' writers are writing is wrong, and you are right, then believe that. If you question the validity of the argument, then do your research and prove them wrong/right. If you can't, shut up and leave them be!
Pada waktu lapang, Sharina suka jalan2 sambil meliposuction.
Flowing curve and barren Madonna of the rock FTW!
Sorry aku belum baca komen org lain. Just want to reply to Sharina.
Aku malas nak berdebat dengan kau. Aku pun dah tulis dalam posting ni aku tak benci kau. So, cool ok. Tak perlulah bawa your supporters here. Aku faham apa maksud kau. Pasal current issues, aku pun selalu kutuk juga. To make you understand what I try to say just imagine this;
Teenagers that not as smart as you (and me), try to find what life means. Or baru nak belajar kenal tuhan. And he/she end up read one of your articles about religious. What you think going to happen? Where you will bring this boy/gal go?
macam2 spesis dalam dunia ni. allah yang tentukan begitu. aku selalu pesan pada diri aku: tak payahlah nak pelik dengan mereka2 yang tak sama spesis ngan aku ni. hidayah tu memang kerja Allah. kalau tak, takdelah berlainan agama ye tak..
suka hati dema la labuuu...
p/s; aku ucapkan syabas untuk hang mr. right sebab berani nak utarakan benda2 cam ni...aku walaupun memang ada strong opinion tentang perkara ni aku prefer just to keep it to myself. sometimes kebodohan itu amatlah ketara tapi seperti yang aku cakap, hidayah tu kerja allah. ada yang susah2 memcarik pun tak dapat apatah lagi yang memang tak sior nak carik... syabas untuk hang!
Serius beb .....
Dia tu mmg tak makan saman ... aku tgk, letak la komen yg gilernyer hebat pun, dia tetap dengan paler otak dia jugak ...
Dood, aku tgk ko cam takut jer ngan dia ... padahal dia bukan pandai sangat pun ... mmg ah B.I dia power giler ... tapi kepala otak dia belum tentu lagi power ...
Pelik gak minah ni. Org pakai skirt giler2 dia nk pertahankan. Tapi org pakai purdah nak kutuk2 plak. Kata semua org ada hak nak pakai pakaian yg dia suka ...
first off, I just found out about Sharina's blog. I am no fan of her but I think she has every right to express her opinions in her own freaking blog and she needs not to carry the liability if any Muslim teenager becomes an apostate as a result of reading her blog. She's a teenager herself and if u care enough to read more meticulously, u'll soon find out that she actually is struggling to understand Islam better. and it is people like u who only puts people like her off. So u think your version of Islam is the better one? Muslims in Malaysia merely constitue 1% out of total Muslims living on earth. Just because some lebai and ustaz taught u certain ways of practicing Islam, u think those exact same words come from Allah? Why do u think Quran was revealed to Muhammad in Arabic in the first place? Thats because the arabic language has such depth of meaning and ambiguity that allows endless variation of interpretation to take place. In St petersburg they have a season with no nights at all. How do u think these people fast? Oh then, that must make Islam an incomplete religion. Tidak syumul seperti yang didakwa. Seriously, take off the coconut shell. Islam itu luas. Only because one's version of Islam doesnt conform to the type of Islam your UStaz taught u, that doesnt make that person any less Muslim than u.
I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …
Ini adalah pandangan fantastis situasi, saya tidak berpikir saya telah cukup melihatnya dari perspektif itu sebelumnya.
Wow this was doubtlessly one of the most effective posts I've had the chance to view on the subject so far. I do not know where you gather up all your info but up! I'm gong to send a few folks your way to take a look at this post.
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