Wednesday, June 4

Harga Petrol Naik... Harga Barang Turun

Updated: 5:45 pm

More at NST page...

More news from Utusan - Harga Petrol Naik

From theStar - Petrol to Cost RM2.70

Selalu kita dengar harga barang naik. Macam-macam reason lah, alasan paling common adalah harga bahan api naik jadi transportation cost pun meningkat then harga barang perlu naik. But, still ada barang-barang yang harganya turun compare to let say, few years back. I not try to be funny or sarcastically kutuk anybody by saying harga diri pemimpin semakin murah, tubuh bohsia boleh dibeli dengan sepinggan nasi ayam or nilai nyawa mat rempit yang semakin tidak hargai oleh mereka sendiri. Aku nak cakap pasal barang-barang betul. Seriously, masih ada barang yang susut nilai berbanding dulu.

1. Internet Service.
Since aku involve dalam business ini, aku pasti sememangnya harga untuk melayari internet sekarang semakin murah. Kalau kita lihat masa mula-mula business cyber cafĂ© bertapak, pengusaha mengenakan bayaran RM 3.00 – RM 4.00 per hour. But currently the rate dah turun kepada RM 1.50 to RM 2.00 sahaja. Even some restaurant provides free wireless internet service to their customer. I am not talking about Starbuck or Coffeebean, even mamak stall pun create their own Hotspot. For those that live in big city, we can even surf internet for free from our house by tapping into someone unauthenticated wireless network. Bigger scale pun, price for international bandwidth is lower compare to 10 years ago.

2. Pirate CD.

Dulu even pirate copy of VCD will cost us around RM 6.00 to RM 7.00 per piece and for DVD the price around 10 ringgit. Although various government agencies try to seize the operation but the business are growing even bigger, this resulting the decrease of price. Sekarang satu VCD movie hanya RM 5.00 max, DVD copy pun dijual dengan harga RM 7.00 or RM 20.00 for 3 pieces. Kalau kita pergi ke mana-mana ‘digital mall’ macam Lowyat, PJ Digi Mall or even Shah Alam’s Plaza Alam Sentral we can easily find any kind of software that sold at the lowest price ever. Business owner knew with better broadband service in Malaysia, user can simply download all the application form Net. So, they have no other choice but to reduce the price tremendously.

3. Mobile phone.

Handphone adalah antara barang yang paling cepat turun harga. Model yang bernilai ribu-ribu
ringgit last few months dan turun kepada ratusan ringgit sahaja. Aku masih ingat Nokia 3210 baru keluar, first mobile phone without extended antenna. Antenna built-in. Fuh, masa tu harga RM 1,200. Bukannya lama sangat, lebih kurang 8 tahun lepas. But currently model tu dah tidak ada dalam pasaran, kalau ada pun harganya cuma puluhan ringgit sahaja. Imagine, within 8 years the price reduce 95%. Ok, maybe 3210 not the best example lah, since dalam telecommunication industry 8 years consider very long dah. But, just simply take any other mobile phone, few months after the launching the price will reduce at least 10% - 20%, right?

4. Flight Ticket.

Everybody must agree with me on this la. Dulu masa di university rakan-rakan dari Borneo susah hati nak balik kampong. At least kena ada seribu ringggit for two ways ticket. Kalau ada season discount pun still tujuh atau lapan ratus ringgit. But, when Mr. Tony Fernandes came into the picture the whole scenario changed. With the price war between AirAsia and MAS, now we can expect the price will be reducing more and more. Although the safety issue memang menjadi concern, but hopefully government will take enough measurement to handle that. For us, we just enjoy the cheap traveling cost.

5. Dan lain-lain.

Banyak lagi product yang mostly originates from countries like China, Korea or Thailand penetrates our market in recent years made a certain impact. House whole product like detergent, plastic products, cloths, football jersey or even baby diapers. All those product aku rasa harganya semakin murah berbanding masa aku kecil-kecil dulu.

Aku rasa ada banyak lagi barang yang harganya semakin murah compare to before. So, allow me to become look-at-positive-side kinda man and advise you guys to smile because there are still good news for us walaupun harga petrol akan di’adjust’ tidak lama lagi. Relax, walau apa pun berlaku barang-barang yang aku listkan diatas akan still turun harga. It just our own lifestyle we need to wisely balance with our income. Jangan la gaji RM 2,000.00 tapi nak pakai kereta CC besar atau makan di kedai mamak 24-7. Ubah cara hidup kita, sacrifice few luxury but useless expenses, built and follow our priority list. Jangan jadi manusia lemah yang dikuasai oleh keadaan, kita sebagai manusia yang mempunyai akal fikiran yang sepatutnya menguasai situasi, bukan sebalik.

On 2nd thought, damn Barisan Nasional leaders. Kepala otak tak boleh guna, ada ke patut minta tolong civil servant berfikir atasi masalah negara. They or to be exact majority of them chose you since they hope you has better brains than them to help them reduce thier problem. Not the other way round. Stupid….!

Fuh… Lega….. Sekarang baru aku boleh sambung kerja office dengan hati yang gembira.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Right,

Aku setuju Dgn 2nd thought ko tu.

Semoga ko sekarang tengah lega dan sambung kerja ko dgn hati yang gembira sebab macam manapun, PETROL TETAP AKAN NAIK!!!

Joe Scapula.

Anonymous said...

semua tu bukannye boleh buat makan daaa....
harga makanan pn naik wat....

-Ipoh Lads-

Anonymous said...

sebenar harga kat pasaran bergantung pd permintaan dan penawaran.
cam examples cd ,internet service etc sume tu sbb ade bnyk penawaran melebihi permintaan dats y harga boleh jatuh...

but for minyak...adakah permintaan akan berkurang..????

sendiri mau ingat la kan..wat to do

Falcon said...

Betul juga..Harga Streamyx pun turun...

Tapi kalau barang makanan naik pasal minyak..susah nak hidup!

Anonymous said...

dood, lama aku x comment aku tetap menyokong blog ko ko la paling best penah aku baca..

pasal minyak naik, aku mmg dah agak..buat mcm mana pun harga minyak takkan mcm ko ckp, kite buat ape pun minyak tetap akan naik nak tak nak redha je la..

mcm ko ckp, kite tak boleh tgk ape yg naik je..yg turun pun banyak kite kena tukar pemikiran kite ni tul tak??nape benda2 yg turun kite tak keco2..hopefully takde la jd ape2 pasal kenaikan harga minyak ni..

Anonymous said...

emm.. memang betul tu!
tapi nape kerajaan kite masih tak dapat nak kawal harga minyak ni ek?!

Anonymous said...

badrul org kerajaan.. mesti ar sokong paklah.. hehe

Anonymous said...
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Fid said...

benda yang harga murah tu bukan kita akan beli hari...ada ke org beli besen plastik hari2?

mcm streanyx/internet ni...inilah yg dinamakan technology......
ishh rasa berkarat plak nak ingat apa aku belajar...
tp kemajuan internet Malaysia ni takle semaju negara maju punya...
mcm le nih..broadband kat malaysia baru kat negara luar 7-8 tahun lps dah ada...
ish ish takleh compare takleh compare...

Hakim Fahmi Awang said...

Comparison x relevan la bro..

Minyak naik, automatic delivery cost naik.. Dan secara logiknya, automatik jugakla harga barang akan naik..

Kalu minyak naik 10,20sen xpe lagi..
Ni sampai 78sen beb.. Delivery cost pun buleh naik sekali ganda..

Just my opinion.. TQ

Anonymous said...

isu ni agaknya satu dunia yg bengang kot..
p apa leh buat rega mnyk xkan trn juga...
btw,sokong prinsip AD AS yg komen kat atas tu.....

pendapat aku,krajaan mungkin masih ragu2 nak bagi susidi lebih sbb krajaan msh berhutang...
agaknya la...yela..tym pemerintahn Dr.M msia byk berhutang nak wat projek...

p pakai la akal skit...kalu nak banding dulu n skrang keuntungan minyak msia la salahnya bagi la sbsidi byk skit kat mnyk...

bagi aku,krajaan ptt ambk kira gak kpentingan rkyt...

cadangan ko pun bgs...ambk skit drpd belanjawan sektor tak...

yns said...

Ok here is if we compare to other oil producing countries

Brunei : RM 1.26/litre (no 43 Oil Producer) (updated price as Jan 2008)

Iran : 1000 rial or RM 0.35 /litre (No 5 Oil Producer)

Egypt : 1.75 egypt pound ( RM 1.06)/liter Ron 90 (last price increased on 8 May 2008) ( No 29 Oil Producer)

Oman : 0.20 euro (RM 1.00) ron 98 as at 25 May 2008 (No 28 Oil Producer)

Okay, Malaysia is no 27 Oil Producing country. This information comes from :

1. Oil Producing Country Ranking by CIA

2. Oil Price Report By Country

and other gooooogle search result for latest petrol price. This is from my simple research, comment and corrections are welcome.

Maybe you want know about thailand and philipine :

Thailand no 39

Philipine : no 75

Okay, maybe you want to say that our population is more than Oman which have about 3 million, but Egypt have more than 50 million population.

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