Tuesday, August 14

Al Fatihah Kepada Mangsa Kemalangan di Highway PLUS

Kepada rakan-rakan muslim jom kita bacakan Al Fatihah kepada mangsa kemalangan bas express pagi semalam. Seriously, jangan baca posting then rasa kesian, tapi tolong betul-betul spend few minutes untuk sedekahkan Al Fatihah. Aku bukan nak suruh kesian, aku ajak sedekah Al Fatihah.


Anonymous said...

moga mereka semua dirahmati...amin

Anonymous said...

Takziah kepada keluarga mangsa. Bila berlaku kes macam ni pelbagai statistik yang muncul.

Semalam tertarik dan terkesima dengan statement daripada Ketua Polis Taiping or Perak dengan bangga dan angkuhnya announced that driver tu ada 15 kesalahan saman serta 2 waran tangkap dan bas tu juga buat salah since 1991.

Persoalan aku kalau betul driver tu salah, kenapa dia masih boleh renew lesen dia annually, kenapa bas tu masih boleh renew road tax dan Puspakom cert yearly (or road tax dia orang 20 tahun kot). Kalau orang biasa macam aku ni kena saman tak bayar sure kena blaklist. Kena settle kat JPJ or traffic... panjant opis dia orang. But utk company besar, depa tutup mata.

Lagi satu dah ada waran tangkap... kenapa that guy bebas ke sana ke mari... Tangkap je lah...

Wahai pihak berkuasa kat luar sana... kami bukan mahukan statistik... kami mahukan tindakan anda bila pemandu ada saman tertunggak atau waran tangkap....


Al Fatihah...

Anonymous said...

Petikan dari Blog The Star On-Line


[People always state that whenever anything goes wrong, the first thing to do is to stop blaming each other and find a worthy solution. Blaming does not solve any problems.

In this recent horrendous accident where 20 lives perished, I would think we need to look at who's to blame, to see what could have been done to have prevented their untimely demise.

So where do we start?

The driver was not fit for the job, as The Star article states today. The 37-year-old driver, a husband to two wives, a father to five children, had 13 summonses and two arrest warrants. Obviously, he was a reckless driver.

However, his actions reflect on the company that hires him, does it not?

How could the company hire someone so unlawful?

But then, how could a company still keep a 20-year-old bus on the road?

Even worse, this company, based in Taiping, does not even have a permit to travel the route it was taking. Also, while the driver had 13 summonses, the bus itself has 19 summonses linked to it from 1991.

So should we blame the company?

Hang on a second.

My question is this. The driver has two arrest warrants against him. The bus had 19 summonses since 1991. The company was running an illegal route.

So where was the overbearing hand of enforcement in this case?

Where was the police, JPJ, or even the transportation company regulators in this case? Were they all closing an eye?

Well, congratulations to all of those enforcement agencies. Their blood is on your hands. Wash them thoroughly.]

Anonymous said...

MEMANG tradisi dan budaya orang MALAYSIA!
Sudah terhantuk baru nak mengaduh.
Bagi cadangan macamana sekalipun, tapi pihak berkuasa hanya "masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri".

Malaysia ni sudah tak selamat lagikah?

Mr. Right said...

Harap2 semua persoalan akan terjawap dan semua pihak akan ambil pengajaran.

tiara said...

pihak berkuasa perlu tingkat kn kwalan di highway,,terutama PLUS,,,bila ptang trlalu bnyk kenderaan berat yg langgar peraturan jlnraya,,pihak brkuasa x bley biar kan prkara ni brterusn,,

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